Resistance Band Exercises

Resistance bands are lightweight, portable equipment that you can take with you on the trail. You can pick them up from Target, Wal-Mart, or your local sporting goods store.

Resistance Band Rows (Squatting)

This exercise can also be performed standing if you need to give your legs a break. If you do stand, engage your core muscles for a bonus abdominal work out
- Find a sturdy post to wrap your band around
- Holding onto the handles, come down into a squatting position making sure to pop that booty
- When you feel steady, begin to draw your elbows straight behind you
- Imagine squeezing a giant ball between your shoulder blades as you contract
- With control, return to the starting position

Resistance Band Rows (Lunging)
For variation, try doing the same exercise in a lunge position

Resistance Band Lateral Pull Downs

Resistance bands free you from relying on gravity for resistance. Be sure to make your torso as parallel to the ground as possible for maximum effectiveness
- Find a sturdy post to wrap your band around
- Holding onto the handles, come down into a squatting position making sure to pop that booty
- Hinge from the hips so that your torso is parallel to the ground
- Keep your arms extended straight out at the beginning of the exercise; wrists should stay in line with elbows throughout
- When you feel steady, draw the elbows straight back behind you while keeping your elbows and wrists parallel to the ground
- You should feel the muscles along the back of your rib cage working

Resistance Band Chest Press

- Find a sturdy post to wrap your band around
- Holding onto the handles, face away from the post in a staggered stance
- Begin the exercise with elbows at the height of your shoulders; your wrists should stay in line with elbows
- When you feel steady, extend your arms straight in front of you; feel this in your chest
- Return to starting position with control

Resistance Band Triceps Extension

- Find a sturdy post
- Wrap one handle around the post and feed the other handle through it to make a loop
- Holding on to one handle, face away from the post in a staggered stance
- Bring your gripping arm up so that your elbow is at a 45 degree angle
- Keeping the elbow where it is, extend your arm straight; you should feel this on the underside of your upper arm
- Be sure to keep your wrist in line with your elbow or you might feel a strain on your forearm

Resistance Band Biceps Curls (squatting)

To decrease resistance, bring your feet closer together
- Holding the handles of your band, step on your resistance band so your feet are wider than shoulder-width apart
- Come into that squat position, booty popped, with arms extended straight
- When you're ready, bend the elbows; you should feel this in your arms
- With control, return to the starting position

Resistance Band Curls (Lunging)

To get the right amount of resistance, I wrapped the band around my foot
- Start with legs in a staggered position
- Holding onto the handles with extended arms, step on the band with your front foot, and come down into a lunge
- Maintaining the lunge, bend the elbows; you should feel this on your arms
- With control, return to the starting position

Resistance Band Obliques Crunch

You don't have to lay on the ground to work your abdominals!
- Find a sturdy post
- Wrap one handle around the post and feed the other handle through it to make a loop
- Hold onto the handle with both hands across your body
- Keeping your toes, knees, and hips square, use your torso to rotate your shoulders and arms
- Think of your shoulders and arms as one unit as you twist

...more exercises to come!

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