Leg Exercises

Leg exercises are easy to do anywhere but not easily done correctly. With proper form and dedication, you can get strong and lean legs with a few simple exercises. Let me know if you need clarification on anything.

 If this exercise is new to you, start in front of a bench or chair. You are mimicking the perfect right angle the seat and legs of the chair make.
- Start with legs shoulder width apart
- While bending your knees, shift your weight into your heels, and sit back like/into a chair
- You want your back flat and for your butt to stick out, pop that booty! This engages your lower back muscles and prevents injury.
- Rather than squatting down, squat back
- Maintaining that nice back, stand up and repeat

*You can practice squats anytime. If you pick up a sock off the ground, pick it up the "nice" way with your booty popped

Single Leg Squats: Bonus Round
Graduate to these once you've mastered the Squat
- Find a bar, chair, fence, etc. that is about shoulder height; something you can grab onto and is sturdy. It doesn't necessarily have to be in front of you either, it can be to the side
- With one leg extended, shift your weight into your grounded heel, and sit back in your invisible chair.
- Keep that booty popped (note that my booty is not popped...tsk tsk)!
- Stand and repeat; try not to cry from the burn
Use your back leg to drive this exercise
- Take a big step back with your left leg
- Using the strength of the back leg, lower your body straight down by bending your left knee
- Your right knee should form a right angle
- Look down at your right foot. If you cannot see your toes, shift your weight into your left leg. The idea is to lunge down, not forward


Bulgarian Lunges
I'll never understand what makes these Bulgarian but they're great all the same. These are slightly more advanced than normal lunges.
- Find a bench, stone, chair, etc. that is about knee height. The higher it is, the more challenging.
- Stand about two strides in front of your object. Position your back foot on the object. 
- Lunge as you normally would making a right angle with your front leg. This time, your front leg will drive the exercise.
 Single Leg Deadlifts/Warrior 3
This exercise targets your hamstrings while also challenges your balance and flexibility
- Start with legs shoulder width apart
- Shift your weight into your left foot
- While keeping your right leg straight, slowly hinge forward from the hips to make the letter T with your leg and torso
- Hold for a moment. With balance and control, return to the standing position and repeat 
*It's important to keep your hips level during this exercise to really target the hamstrings only. Look in the mirror as you do this. Imagine a glass of water balancing on your lower back; don't let it spill!

Hamstring Curls
The starting position is a core strengthening exercise as well. After you've held this position for about 30 seconds, begin the curls for an extra challenge.
- Start with your hands directly under your shoulders, knees under your hips.
- Extend your right arm and left leg out straight. Imagine yourself as a table; keep your hips level
- Keeping your balance, bend your left foot towards your butt. Extend and repeat on either side.
- Lay down with your knees bent.
- Walk your feet in towards your body so you can graze your shoes with your fingertips.
- Lift your hips up by pressing into your heels and shoulders; bring your chest to your chin
- Lower your hips down about an inch above the ground then lift up again

 Single Leg Bridge/Hip-Ups: Bonus Round
For an added challenge, try it with one leg.
- Set up for Bridge/Hip-Ups 
- Once you've lifted your hips up, shift your weight into your right foot
- While keeping your hips level and lifted, extend your left leg straight in the air
- Lower down as before with your leg extended the whole time

Wall Squats
Any firm surface can be your support for a wall squat. This bridge worked perfectly; a large pole or fence would work too
- Stand about one stride in front of a wall 
- Place your back against the wall. Move yourself down the wall until you mimic a chair 
- Your knees should be right on top of your ankles (note that my feet are a little too far out) 
- With arms extended, hold this position for 30sec-1min; feel the burn

  Single Leg Wall Squats: Bonus Round
- Set up for Wall Squats
- When you're ready, extend one leg straight out
- You will feel this in your grounded leg but also in the quad of your extended leg
- Hold for 30sec-1min and repeat on the other side

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